Navigate your new life.

Working through change can be difficult at any time, especially now.

Use this space to find solace, ideas, and inspiration as you chart your new course.

Louise Zimmerman Louise Zimmerman

Whole Punch

Exploring first steps toward healing.


three dimensional woman

intact, yet flawed

hair flowing like creativity

until I allowed you

to punch a hole in me

whisking away energy

lights inside flickered out

my music slowed down

until I became 2D


analagous to the ones I would stand in

waiting to help you

with the latest project

my time had no meaning

an infinite line

the questioning and wordless dismissals

reduced me to a


not Seurat the dot

or anything remotely artistic

a photon being slowly snuffed out

invisibly screaming

from a tiny dot mouth

less than one dimensional

this woman speck in space


to the vacuum of love


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Louise Zimmerman Louise Zimmerman

you are not alone

Relationship changes can be difficult at any time, especially during this period of social isolation. You are not alone.

20130731_Trade 100_0196.jpg

An idea was born

I was afraid of this first post. I had that hesitant, sinking feeling in my stomach as I thought about exactly what I would say - similar to the fear we all have when faced with difficult or daring situations. It was scary to leave my marriage and make major life changes, particularly in the middle of a pandemic.

How can I be helpful? I have always been passionate about connecting women with resources. I believe that in helping women, we help families and the community. Anything we can do to lift up women ultimately helps the world. I believe in connecting women with resources, with mentors, and with tools to survive - and later succeed.

There was a great fear in leaving my marriage, acknowledging that the end of the dream of a fairy tale. I had to recognize that we couldn’t do the holidays, vacations and celebrations together in the same way anymore. I have such gratitude for the family and friends who have supported me and for the courage to make a change after a hard look at the price of staying. Whether you choose to stay or go, or stand your ground I wanted to create a space for shared stories and learnings along the way. We can together share tools, tears, laughs and most of all - you should know that you are not alone.

Shadow of me - considering options and escaping from the world for a moment.

Shadow of me - considering options and escaping from the world for a moment.

Why “divirus”? I thought of this name at one point during my transition process. It seemed to bring together the notion of divorcing during a pandemic. I also think of the word as a representation of the divide that grows between us. “Modern” was a play on many of our familiar depictions of family life and challenges the notion of what fits the norms of the time.

During the decision and planning process, I sometimes found it hard to think. I felt horribly alone. In this blog I will share some ideas that I found useful and resources that helped me through.

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Louise Zimmerman Louise Zimmerman

art before lockdown II

Exploring art has long brought me solace.

Barbara Earl Thomas Cut Out at the Seattle Art Museum

Barbara Earl Thomas Cut Out at the Seattle Art Museum

Escape to the art museum, one last time

Art brings me solace, especially during this tumultuous time. Mid-November, before the art museum was shuttered again, I managed to escape from the house to walk through the Barbara Earl Thomas exhibit. The quiet rooms filled with backlit cut outs inspired me - and somehow brought a moment of peace.

The real art is finding peace in the midst of chaos.
— attributed to Buddha
More Barbara Earl Thomas cut outs, made me think of our children.

More Barbara Earl Thomas cut outs, made me think of our children.

This piece reminded me of my son and of all the hopes and dreams that have been put on pause during this crazy pandemic.

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